Wednesday, February 1, 2012

catch up


It has been ages. Alot has happened in the last 6 months. Some good things and some not so good. 

Let me summarize:

♥ I broke up with my boyfriend of almost 7 years. Another wow. Such a huge thing to go through, break ups are NEVER easy. And if anyone says they are, then they are either a) heartless or b) insane or c) both of the above. 

♥ My sister is FINALLY engaged. Couldn't be happier for her and her fiancé. Very very exciting.

♥ I have resigned from my job....

♥ So I can go to uni and study - a double degree!!! Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Public Health & Health Promotion @ Deakin Uni in Burwood. I am STOKED! 

They are the most significant things that have happened in the past 6 months. Throw a quick trip to QLD and Christmas & New Years in there and it has been a rollercoaster of a ride - with highs & lows. BUT I am looking forward to a new start, meeting new people & making new friends, expanding my knowledge, being a poor student on a tight budget and can't wait for my sisters wedding to come around! 


Mollymook Beach - spent Xmas with the fam in Mollymook

Road trip up to Mollymook - Eden

Champagne breakfast on Xmas morning


Nails with purple shatter & turquoise base

Nails for my bro's 21st - 1000 Hour Nail Foils

Drinks while waiting for our flight from QLD back to Melb

Best ride EVER - Superman Escape Movieworld Gold Coast

Another AWESOME ride - BuzzSaw @ Dreamworld

Summer :)
My sisters engagement ring - beautiful!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

summer lovin

With the dreary weather in Melbourne lately, I have found myself longing for summer. 

One of my favourite things to do in summer is go for a walk at night, when the air is warm yet still comfortable enough to wander around and not get too hot. 

I can't wait for summer.

photos: weheartit

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Ok, so I know I have posted about how fantastic ASOS is. But really it is more than fantastic. Hence why I am writing another post about it. 

ASOS is great. It really is, I'm not kidding. If you haven't at least looked at the website, I suggest you stop reading this and go there right now

My sister, along with pretty much all of her friends and work colleagues are obsessed. To the point where one of her friends texted her the other day and said "I think I'm having ASOS withdrawals." She hadn't ordered anything for less than a week! 

My younger brother and his girlfriend also order from ASOS. My Dad has even had a browse!! We are talking a 60 something year old here. 

So, here is what I am waiting to be delivered within the next few days. I can't wait to see that little package at the front door, or better yet, be leaving for work when the courier arrives and have a wonderful start to the day!

ASOS ALESHA Leather Platform Chelsea Boots

 I got these lovelies, for a mere $33! Leather boots for that price, are you kidding me!? I had to have them. 

I have about 50 other items saved in my bag for later. 
The great thing about this option is you can save stuff which you are thinking of buying and it will stay in your bag for 28 days.

ASOS also have free worldwide shipping and frequently offer discounts such as 10-30% off. 

Go and check it out now if you haven't already, you can thank me later....

Some other things I am going to buy when pay day comes along.

SuperTrash Popper Detail Slouchy Cupro Shirt Dress $54.80

ASOS Boyfriend Style Watch $12.84

ASOS ALTO Leather Animal Print Effect Ankle Boots $41.10

ASOS Scalloped Embellished Kimono $128.44

Sunday, July 17, 2011


oh again I have succeeded at neglecting my blog. good on me! 

things that have happened since I last graced you with my presence:

♥ started a new job (yippee, finally!) and loving it (double yippee!)

♥ caught up with my best friend who has been over in LA since November 

♥ my sister is unofficially engaged (he has the ring etc, we are just waiting for the actual proposal! will do a post about it when it happens!) LOL that sounds so lame but it has been a long time coming so I am over the moon for them!

♥ playing basketball at ridiculous hours of the night (10:10pm!!!)

♥ general catch ups with friends and family (always fun times)

anyway, I have decided that I am going to make more time to blog. Since starting my new job I have been coming home really tired and therefore going to bed at an early hour and snoozing my lil head off instead of blogging. BUT that is going to change. Pinky promise!

source: weheartit

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

thought three

thought of the day:

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." 

- Aesop

Monday, May 30, 2011

just another photo post

lacking the creative thoughts at the moment, so just a photo post this time
(ha, not that my posts are creative anyway!!)

And just one for cuteness

photo sources: wehearit, google images, ihasahotdog